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TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor®

Patented Puncture-Resistant Hunting Gear

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Upland brush such as thorns, briars, sticks and cactus can  be brutal to your clothes and skin leaving it red, raTurtleSkin® SnakeArmor Gaitersw, irritated and in extreme cases susceptible to infection. But this pales in comparison to the most feared threat facing outdoor enthusiasts - Pit Vipers.

Chances are slim that you will encounter a venomous snake on your next hunt, hike or ride, but nonetheless it's a good idea to be mindful and take precautions, especially during the spring snake season

Pit vipers, which include rattlesnakes, copperheads, water moccasins and corals can strike at a target up to two-thirds of their body length when provoked. And while snakes are basically shy creatures that tend to stay hidden from view, if you stumble upon one, they will strike in an instant. 

They lay where we people venture- grassy areas, brush, logs, rocks, creeks/ponds, marshy areas, golf courses, and even on patios, driveways and roadsides. About 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year, with 10 to 15 deaths according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

But outdoors men aren't the only individuals at risk to punctures or snakebites. Herders, landscapers, farmers, highway workers, metal fabricators, animal handlers, zoo keepers, medical sharps handlers and refuse/recycling personel can be susceptible to both snake bite injury and injuries from nails, glass, needles, wire, knives, cable/wires, scissors, pins and metal/wood splinters.

While many men and women laborers opt out of personal protective snake clothing because it can be bulky, hot, stiff and heavy to wear. SnakeArmor® is lightweight, flexible and the cost covers itself with just one snake bite prevention!

Advanced Puncture-Protection for the Legs

Buy the next greatest thing to keep you safe with finest field chaps, gaiters and pants on the market! Constructed from a patented, super-tight weave of ballistic fibers and polyester, Warwick Mills TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor's fabric is one-third the weight of other systems and certified tested with live diamondback strikes and simulated needle strikes.

While many products tout their puncture resistance against the EN388 test probe, only TurtleSkin® products provide the highest resistance against fine penetrators such as the common 28-gauge hypodermic needle, glass slivers, metal burrs and other threats. SnakeArmor® is machine washable and so lightweight they can be easily folded for travel. Made in the USA, this line of patented snake bite resistant clothing is built to last for years!

+Shop Now!Patented SnakeArmor hunting, hiking outdoor puncture-resistant clothing

SnakeArmor® Hunting Pants

+TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® Hunting Pants have a soft 100% cotton shell with TurtleSkin® system built into the entire bottom from the knee down. Cool, flexible, comfortable and built to last, Snake Pants available in sage or khaki colors, 3 inseams, and 5 waist sizes. Also available is custom length inseams for an additional charge.

TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® Hunting Pants Sizes

Waist: 32" - 42"  
Length: Short, Regular, or Long  

SnakeArmor® Gaiters

+TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® Gaiters are made with a sturdy, no rust zipper, this reversible waterproof gaiter is designed so you can wear either the natural camo pattern, sage or the lighter khaki. Simply zip up the back and cinch the elastic top for a snug fit. Available in short, regular or long lengths. One size fits most.

SnakeArmor® Below the Knee Chaps

+TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® Below the Knee Chaps are made from a soft outer shell with 16 inches of TurtleSkin® protection from the knee down. Available in sage or khaki, the lightweight outer shell is waterproof, windproof and breathable. Available in 3 lengths and regular or husky build. 

SnakeArmor® Total Protection Chaps

+TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® Total Protection Snake Chaps provide protection from your ankle up to your thigh. Available in camo, sage or khaki, the lightweight outer shell is waterproof,  windproof and breathable. Available in 3 lengths and regular or husky build.  

TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® Hunting Chaps Sizes

Regular Chaps (25" thigh circumference) Inseam Length
Regular Short Short: 27-29"
Regular Regular Regular: 30-32"
Regular Long Long: 33-35"

Husky Chaps (28" thigh circumference) Inseam Length
Regular Short Short: 27-29"
Regular Regular Regular: 30-32"
Regular Long Long: 33-35"

Choose Short if you are 5'7" or under.
Choose Regular if you are 5'8" - 6'0".
Choose Long if you are 6'1" or taller.


Purchase a pair of TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® Protective Gaiters, Chaps or Pants and hunt, hike or work in confidence and with complete freedom of movement. Don't forget to protect your loyal canine companion with SnakeArmor® DogArmor® Hunting Safety Vests.

+shop for SnakeArmor® here

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