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TurtleSkin® DogArmor Vest

Puncture, Cut & Snake Bite Protection for Dogs

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Dogs are loyal companions who love to frequently travel along with their owners on outdoor hikes. Nsnake bite injury to dog's bellyature  enthusiasts and bird hunters love to watch their dog scurry along and sniff the many scents of the woods. Very often, canines follow the scents of the many rodents who seek salvation in tall grasses, logs, brush, marsh/creek beds. What dogs don't realize, is where rodents visit, so do predatory snakes.

A venomous snake bite directly to your dog's chest can be fatal, so protecting this vital area with a specialized puncture-resistant vest while hunting or hiking is critical.

Dogs are most happy when given a task to do. A working dog is trained to complete a job, and do so with great focus, drive and enthusiasm. Much money, love and time is invested in training K9's to herd, hunt, retrieve, guide, sniff, protect, patrol and cart/sled!

Human Tasks & Safety Depend on K9's

Pit vipers, which include rattlesnakes, copperheads, water moccasins and corals, can strike at a target up to two-thirds of their body length when provoked. And while snakes are basically shy creatures that tend to stay hidden from view, if your dog happens to stumble upon one, snakes will strike in a flash and prevention is crucial. Upland brush such as thorns, briars, sticks and cactus can be brutal on your dog's underside leaving it red, raw and in some cases, could be a catastrophe.

Watching a working dog or loyal pet suffer or pass is devastating. Knowing we are partly to blame can be unbearable. Realizing that this was preventable will haunt you.  Protect your dog's safety today and have peace of mind when sharing the moment together- just one prevention and the dog safety vest pays for itself.

DogArmor® Dog Safety Vests

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Made in the USA  | 1 Year Defect Warranty 

TurtleSkin®, the same company that makes puncture-resistant SnakeArmor® gaiters, pants and chaps for outdoors men, now offers protection against snake bites and punctures wiDog in TurtleSkin® DogArmor Veststh their line of hunting vests designed for dog safety!

Constructed from a patented, super-tight weave of ballistic fibers and polyester, SnakeArmor's flexible, snag-free ultra-thin fabric weighs less than 1-lb and is fully adjustable - your dog won't even realize he has a vest on!

DogArmor hunting vests are certified tested with live diamondback strikes and simulated 28-gauge needle strikes.  Flat seams keep the material smooth over the neck, chest and belly so your dog glides through the underbrush with confidence and comfort.  

The +TurtleSkin® DogArmor Vests are fully adjustable and available in 5 sizes (small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large), and in 4 colors (khaki, sage, camo and blaze orange) for both regular and broad chested dogs. An optional neck protector is available as an accessory.

Sizing Instructions for Dog Hunting Vests

Step 1

When selecting a SnakeArmor® Dog Hunting Vest you first want to determine if you should select a Regular or Broad Chested Vest. This should be determined by the breed of your dog.  Below is an example of some broad chested and regular chested dog breeds:

  • Regular : Labs, Pointers, Golden Retrievers
  • Broad Chested: Pit Bulls, Boxers, Mastiffs
Step 2

Once you detetmine if your dog falls under a regular or broad chested dog hunting vest you want to measure your dog's girth. The girth is the circumference around your dog near their chest area right behind their front paws. The illustration on the sizing chart will direct you where to measure.

Based on the girth measurement of you dog go to the chart below to see what recommend size you should choose based on the measurement. When selecting the additional Neck Piece measure your dog's neck circumference and also see the chart for recommended size.

Did you know that each year in the United States, over one million animal-bite wounds are reported? Have peace of mind and limit injury and risks to your loyal companion. Protect your dog today with the finest safety hunting vest that offers chest and belly puncture protection.

+shop for DogArmor Dog Hunting Vests here now

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