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Whack Lawns, Not the Shins!

TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® Patented Puncture-Resistant Clothing

Take an Extra 25% Off & receive FREE SHIPPING* on all SnakeArmor® Products.

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A string trimmer, also called a "weed-whip", "whipper-snipper", "weed-whacker", a "weed eater" is an amazing outdoor pA leg injured by a weed whakcer stringower tool that keeps the borders of a lawn neatly manicured. A staple among professional lawn service personnel and used by many home owners and greenkeepers, gas power weed whackers work by using rapidly spinning blades or microfilament lines of different diameters stiff enough to cut grass, weeds and brush making landscaping jobs easier, faster and more cosmetically appealing, but like any other power tool, there are precautions.


There are dangers associated with the use of weed whackers and if they aren’t handled properly, it could result in personal injury, infection or a trip to the emergency room. In fact, the Center for Injury Sciences stated that an estimated 81,907 injuries involving a lawn trimmer, more commonly referred to as a weed wacker or weed eater, occurred from 2000-2009. These were just the injuries that were reported. Many more were treated but not reported.

String trimmers can be top heavy and individuals should always maintain a safe grip with two hands but there are instances where one needs to use one hand to open let’s say a gate. The weight of the trimmer can cause the base to kick back and by the time your brain realizes what just happened, your clothes or boots are ripped apart or worse, layers of skin have been stripped away causing welts and great discomfort for many days that could lead to an infection.

Lawns have many particles including stones, mulch, golf balls and even glass all of which can fly off the ground. The higher the rate at which these particles are flying, the higher the probability of pebbles and hard particles being thrown at and wounding you, making TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® ideal for lawn cutting personnel. Protect yourself and your employees with industrial safety PPE designed with your safety and comfort in mind!

SnakeArmor® Clothing  Protects Against Debris Ejected by Outdoor Power Machines & From Powerful String Trimmers That Can Instantly Strip Away Clothing & Flesh!

Shin Guardz™ Industrial Shin Protectors | PPENever get injured by flying debris or weed whacking line again! SnakeArmor® is designed to protect homeowners, surveyors, landscapers, greenkeepers, parks department, line clearing service personnel, farmers, arborists, construction workers, refuse and recycling personnel, operators of lawn mowers and people using string trimmers.

Fast | Effective | Comfortable | Affordable

Buy the next greatest thing to keep you safe with finest field chaps, gaiters and pants on the market! Constructed from a patented, super-tight weave of ballistic fibers and polyester, Warwick Mills TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor's fabric is one-third the weight of other systems and certified tested with live diamondback strikes and simulated needle strikes.

While many products tout their puncture resistance against the EN388 test probe, only TurtleSkin® products provide the highest resistance against fine penetrators such as the common 28-gauge hypodermic needle, glass slivers, metal burrs, venomous snakebites and other threats.

SnakeArmor® is machine washable and so lightweight they can be easily folded for travel. Made in the USA, this line of patented snake bite resistant clothing is built to last for years!

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SnakeArmor Hunting Pants

+TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor Hunting Pants have a soft 100% cotton shell with TurtleSkin® system built into the entire bottom from the knee down. Cool, flexible, comfortable and built to last, Snake Pants available in sage or khaki colors, 3 inseams, and 5 waist sizes. Also available is custom length inseams for an additional charge.

SnakeArmor® Gaiters

+TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor Gaiters are made with a sturdy, no rust zipper, this reversible waterproof gaiter is designed so you can wear either the natural camo pattern, sage or the lighter khaki. Simply zip up the back and cinch the elastic top for a snug fit. Available in short, regular or long lengths. One size fits most.

SnakeArmor Below the Knee Chaps

+TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor Below the Knee Chaps are made from a soft outer shell with 16 inches of TurtleSkin® protection from the knee down. Available in sage or khaki, the lightweight outer shell is waterproof, windproof and breathable. Available in 3 lengths and regular or husky build. 

SnakeArmor® Total Protection Chaps

+TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor Total Protection Snake Chaps provide protection from your ankle up to your thigh. Available in camo, sage or khaki, the lightweight outer shell is waterproof,  windproof and breathable. Available in 3 lengths and regular or husky build.  

Purchase a pair of TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® Protective Gaiters, Chaps or Pants and hunt, hike or work in confidence and with complete freedom of movement.  Don't forget to protect your loyal canine companion with TurtleSkin® DogArmor® Hunting Safety Vests.

+shop for TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor now

Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm EST

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