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Single-Use Surface Barriers for Furniture & Mattress Retailers
by mdsassociatesHighly contagious and viable on surfaces for long periods of time, cross-contamination aided the spread of an infectious virus from coast to coast in just months.
People will likely agree that this new health event has brought a new level of heightened conscious to touching publically shared items and surfaces. Taking extra precautions to ensure the physical and mental safety of guests will arguably be the new norm for many retailers for some time.
A percentage of consumers will inevitably view publically shared merchandise and commonly touched surfaces as potential germ hot spots. Making sure each shopper is entering a freshly sanitized and hygienically appealing showroom may now be critical to capturing sales.
Single-use cellulose surface barriers are similar to disposable patient gowns used during exams or medical procedures. Commonly used in healthcare outpatient centers, spas and diagnostic imaging they're available in drapes, towels, sheets and make perfect surface barriers for furniture and mattress retailers.
- +read more about single-use surface barriers for mattress and furniture retailers here
- +shop for disposable cellulose surface barriers here