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Safe Pens for Safer Sign-Ins
by mdsassociatesHighly contagious and viable on surfaces for long periods of time, cross-contamination has inevitably aided the spread of the coronavirus, an infectious pathogen, from coast to coast in just months.
This new health event has brought a new level of heightened conscious to touching publically shared items and surfaces. and the more individuals interact, the higher the risk of Covid-19 spread. Polling places, clinics, registrations and similiar events are higher risk because there are larger crowds, longer wait times and often require the use of ink pens and/or pencils.
It is very possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a contaminated surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. For this reason, personal prevention practices are important to help the lower the risk of Covid-19 spread.
Rather than sanitize and re-use pens people are being told to keep the pen they barely used. Some of these pens land up in a purse, in a home and some are simply left behind.
This is where the use of our disposable infection control barriers can help you reduce cross-contamination. Single-use poly pen sleeves provide a hygienic barrier to help protect your people from the spread of infection easily and affordably. They are available with or without a pointed end. Simple, quick and easy to use, just poke tip through the material and hand-out!
+read more about disposable pen sleeve covers here
+shop for disposable pen sleeves here