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Stop Fearing the Rattler with SnakeArmor® Snake Protection
by mdsassociatesThe greatest period of snake activity is in spring when water moccasins or cottonmouth, copperheads and the feared rattlesnake come out of hibernation seeking to eat and to breed. The breeding season lasts about 2 months but it just happens to occur during the time when humans are most active with outdoor activities such as landscaping, construction, gardening, biking, hiking, hunting and fishing.
If you are venturing outdoors in rattlesnake, catcus, thorn or briar country, you should consider wearing puncture-resistant outdoor apparel for the legs.
Warwick Mills Turtleskin® brand of lightweight snakebite resistant SnakeArmor® outdoor outerwear is also wind resistant, water resistant and lab certified to withstand massive diamond back rattlesnake strikes, industrial punctures and hypodermic needle stick punctures. The cost of the product covers itself with just one prevention!
+Shop for SnakeArmor Products here