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Puncture Resistant PPE for Waste Management Personnel
by mdsassociatesClinical waste disposal carries with it a risk of serious and possibly life-threatening infection. Lurking among the refuse could be anything from a dirty diaper to toxic or hazardous materials, but feared the most are the items that can cut or puncture the skin.
Jagged or sharp items such as metals, plastics and lumber can cut flesh and having an open wound on a dirty mobile truck puts operators at grave risk to infection. But sorters and collectors will both agree that feared the most are puncture injuries from unregulated disposal of syringes.
The hands and arms are vulnerable when throwing bags into collection vehicles, and needles in black bags (being carried) often bang against legs which puts them at risk for injuries as well. Consider providing suitable puncture/cut resistant clothing to help protect limbs (especially if collecting from known high-risk areas).
Chek our our cut resistant gloves, arm guards, aprons and chaps that protect against needletsticks, industrial punctures and even deadly snake bites!.
.+Read more about Waste Management PPE here