Be Prepared for Spring Snake Season w/ Our Snake Protection Outerwear
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Springtime brings long awaited renewal and rebirth. Part of that renewal is the onset of snakes. When spring comes, snakes come out of their hiding spots and get out into the fresh air to shed their skin and hunt for food. Snakes also mate in the spring which means many more baby snakes joining the reptile population this time of year.
Outdoor enthusiasts, laborers and animals alike become vulnerable to being bitten by snakes, so it is best to go outside prepared in snake protection outerwear that can withstand snake strikes and snake bites.
Snakes are common in the woods, prairie and the desert. It is estimated that 8,000 people per year are bitten by wild snakes in the United States each year. You can help prevent that number increasing by wearing Warwick Mills Turtleskin® brand SnakeArmor® products which keep a protective layer between you and the snake that wants to bite.
Although all snakes are not venomous, a snake bite still hurts and causes uncomfortable swelling. Venomous bites can cause long-term effects and some can actually kill a person or animal. Keeping a safe distance from a snake is better for both you and the snake. Remember, they see you as a threat because of your size, so their natural response is to defend themselves against you. Hence, they strike out and bite. Observe snakes in their natural habitat but do not disturb them as they are not keen to being disturbed.
People are usually more aware of their surroundings and gain knowledge of their property by public records and experience. When moving to a new area that has nearby woods or is near a desert, it is best to get local information on the species of snakes in your area to properly learn how to protect yourself and your family.
Puncture-Resistant Snake Proof DogArmor® Hunting Vests
Animals are naturally curious. A dog may get bitten on the nose because it wants to sniff a snake, not knowing the snake just wants to be left alone. Puppies tend to want to play, so it is best to keep them on a leash during snake season. It is best to also keep your grass trimmed so that your household dog can see what is out there and avoid confrontation between itself and a snake.
A hunting dog is often your best pal on a hunting trip. Keep your canine near you on your hunting trips so he does not startle a snake with ground vibrations, making it strike out and bite. Try Turtleskin® DogArmor® hunting safety vests which protect the dog's chest and belly areas against snake bites, underbrush and thorns. An optional neck collar is available to add extra protection if you are in areas where the dog may be in high grass or hidden areas where a snake could strike from. The +DogArmor hunting vests are made from the same lightweight material as the Turtleskin® hunting pants, so your dog is getting the same protection as you would wear.
Puncture-Resistant Snake-Proof SnakeArmor® Hunting Gear
Wearing items such as Turtleskin® +SnakeArmor® chaps, pants and gaiters along with a pair of heavy duty boots will help prevent snake bites and costly trips to the hospital emergency room.
The +SnakeArmor® total protection snake chaps are meant to go over clothing to provide additional protection. They cover the entire leg but not the waist, groin or buttocks. They are lightweight, soft, breathable and water resistant. Made from high strength fibers that are weaved tightly, they protect you from a snake's fangs piercing through.
Turtleskin® +SnakeArmor® below the knee chaps protect from the knee down. They are meant to wear over clothing to provide an extra layer. +SnakeArmor® snake gaiters are great for wearing over boots to cover the foot and ankle and prevent lower bites from occurring. They also prevent injury from brush, pricker bushes or thorns. You can reverse them from khaki to camo depending on your surroundings. Just put them on, zip them up, cinch the top and go. They are made from the same fiber as the chaps and will keep snakes at bay.
Proudly made in the USA by Turtleskin®, +SnakeArmor® hunting pants cover the entire waist to ankle area and are the most efficient way to protect yourself or your loved ones. These pants are tested to withstand large rattlesnakes which are venomous. Tough ballistic fibers keep the fangs from penetrating the pant layers.
+shop for TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® here
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