What’s Your Infection Prevention Strategy?
As the coronavirus restrictions were finally lifting, the return to society and socialization caused an uptick in respiratory illnesses. As Covid-19 continued to spike, I wondered if we let our guard down? Did we stop practicing good infection control protocols? While we may never learn the cause here’s a fact folks - the world was a germy place before the pandemic and it will be a germy place going forward.
Simple Solutions to Infection Control
MDS continues to lead the fight against preventable infections from contact contamination and provides a wide variety of disposable Infection Control Barrier Covers that help keep people safe and pathogens out. Affordable, effective and easy to use, our surface barriers combat the cross-contamination and spread of germs and bacteria!
Surface Barriers Protect Against Germs, Bacteria, Dust, Fluid Spray, Powders, Bodily Fluids, Finger Prints & More!
Identify the Hot Zones & Cover Them!
To help lower the risk of infection, it’s important to identify popular publically touch surfaces or commonly touched items and surfaces. A few of the top germ infested surfaces might just surprise you!
Think about this the next time you work through lunch at your desk. The average office desk is said to contain 400 times more germs than a toilet seat. Computers, keyboards and optical mice are key transfer points because:
● They are touched very often
● Not sanitized regularly
● Typically shared by many co-workers or customers
● Exposed to a variety of micro-organisms, germs, bacteria and even bio-hazardous materials
Other breeding grounds for bacteria and germs are portable electronic devices such as cell phones, laptop computers and tablets. Remote controls also harbor all types of nastiness! Touch pads, keypads and touchscreens are also hot zones and should never be ignored. Many of these devices are taking into and used during bathroom breaks!
Disinfect First and Last Thing - Cover in Between!
Barrier products are popular in libraries, schools, hospitality, business and dental offices, retail sales, versatile and can be used to cover and protect just about any object without hindering operations or affecting view. They also reduce the need to disinfect between applications.
Preventing Infections is easy! All you need to do is spend some time and browse of collection of contamination control items!
+shop for Surface Barriers now
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"We want you to return home safely every day"