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Rattlesnake Strike Bite Prevention

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Animal Planet's T.V. series called "I Was Prey" features real-life stories about individuals who escape neDeadly Rattlesnakear death experiences from deadly animal attacks. How enjoyable outdoor activities quickly turn into a tale of survival has me programming my DVR so that I never miss an episode!

Wicked Bite (season 1 - episode 2)

This episode featured a man named Jim Lane who resided in Georgia near the Black Rock Mountains along with his wife Janice.
Jim enjoyed hiking and his wife's baking so one sunny afternoon, he thought it would be neat to drive down to the woods for a hike and surprise her with fresh picked huckleberries.
To get to the woods, he drove along an isolated old logging trail named Coleman River Road, commonly referred to as The Rattlesnake Nest of Clayton Georgia but in all his years, Jim ironically never saw a snake. On July 3, 2012, that all changed and what should have been a serine afternoon in the woods quickly turned into a fight for his life.

Predatory Snakes Know Rodents & Birds Love to Eat Berries

As Jim picked berries from the bushes, he was suddenly struck by the bite of a 54-inch rattlesnake. Knocking his leg backwards, he witnessed a blood trail leave his leg and quickly realized this was a life threatening injury. Because Jim was well versed on rattlesnake bites, he knew what had to be done to extend his survival chances and reacted quickly. On this day, Jim also had much luck on his side and a deep desire to see his family again which ultimately saved his life. If it wasn't for his .25 caliber pistol, he would have been ambushed and bitten a 2nd time.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Sure, Jim's pistol may have killed the rattler, but what would have been more logical, less expensive and more effective would have been a pair of snake bite resistant hunting chaps or pants. Turtleskin® makes a line of lightweight patented puncture-resistant full-length chaps, below-the-knee chaps, hunting pants, and reversible camouflage gaiters that many ranchers, surveyors, farmers, DEC officers,  landscapers, Border Patrol agents and outdoor enthusiasts wear when in snake infested or thorny environments. Intended for outdoorsmen, Snake Armor® protective clothing is also ideal for industrial work applications such as refuse handling, herding, barbed wire installation,  landscaping, recycling, lumber and more! 
Laboratory certified to withstand rattlesnake bites and made in America, Warwick Mills Turtleskin® waterproof and windproof hunting clothing has been tested with live diamondback rattlesnakes and successfully repelled strikes and venom. In addition, the fabric also stopped a simulated snake bite of paired 0.05-inch diameter needles at 2.63 joules, and a 0.042-inch diameter needle at 2.37 pounds with a penetration limit of 0.03 inches!
Venomous snakes such as the cottonmouth, cooperhead, coral snake, timber rattlesnake, black diamond rattlesnake and the tiger rattlersnake are common in the U.S. woods, prairie, railroads and desert.  It is estimated that 8,000 people per year are bitten by wild snakes in the United States each year.
Lightweight, tough and flexible to wear, Turtleskin's patented Snake Armor® is serious bite protection and provides peace of mind when hiking, hunting or fishing in the dessert, woods or wetlands. Stop snakes and keep hunting because snake fangs, briars, cacti, and thorns will not penetrate. US Patents 5,565,264 and 5,837,623, and other patents pending. And the protection doesn't stop here! Turtleskin® also makes SnakeArmor® hunting vests for working or hunting canines.

+shop for TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® now

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