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Practice Good Infection Control with Remote Control Covers
by mdsassociatesCONTROL -THE REMOTE
While there are plenty of other hotbeds of germs that can be found thoughout the home and business, probably none are as innocent-looking as the average remote control.
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When you think of filthy, germ-laden items you probably think of a toilet seat, door handle, garbage can or the soles of shoes. But it would probably never occur to you that a lot of the items we use everyday are actually hotbeds of bacteria and viruses that are just waiting to get us sick.
One of the secretly filthy things you never knew you used is the remote control. Yes that thing you use to change to channel on adjust the volume has been collecting a major amount germs, bacteria and various "DNA"!
Who would have ever thought that we would be concerned about having a clean remote control? But the facts don’t lie. It’s a major germ hub that makes channel surfing a risky activity.
Remotes contain residues of semen, urine, and/or feces due to some guests who fail to wash their hands properly. In addition to that, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Virginia shows that half of the remote controls they tested were host to viruses. These germs can live a minimum of 24 hours on the surface of the remote control which means you can easily become infected just by pushing the buttons. But don't fret it, you can easily keep remote control devices germ-free and worry-free with these universal single-use remote control barrier covers!
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