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Advantages of Buying American Made PPE
by mdsassociatesThe Pandemic Lessons We Endured Must Never Be Forgotten.
94% of the World's PPE is Manufactured in Wuhan China-the Epicenter of the Coronavirus
Let’s not forget that when the virus swarmed our shorelines in the spring of 2020, it completely devastated supply chains forcing our entire country into a panic to find supplies to protect employees and patients from infection. There was one thing America HAS quickly learned then and it was that PPE manufacturing within the United States simply did not exist.
Gutted supply chains and long lead times had Americans across every industry beckoning for our country to produce PPE that minimized exposure to and prevented the cross-contamination of viruses while protecting our front line and essential employees from potential infection.
Fast forward to today. From single-use biodegradable ntirile gloves to respirator masks, U.S. businesses have stepped up and invested resources to bring back manufacturing so our country can break free of our dependence on foreign made PPE supplies and keep Americans safe.
Americans deserve the best personal protection products on the market, and American companies can provide these. When you purchase from American companies that create products domestically, you support a business providing jobs for Americans.
MDS Associates, Inc. distributes a growing line-up of newly launched domestically made personal protective supplies such as disposable latex-free nitrile gloves, single-use biodegradable nitrile gloves, industrial work safety gloves, critical manufacturing gloves, face masks, flame-resistant apparel, buyl gloves, respirator masks, safety footwear, isolation barrier gowns and more.