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Say No to Norovirus
by mdsassociatesTue, Nov 23rd 2021 08:00 am
Not related to the flu, norovirus typically lasts one to three days and most people recover without treatment. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, headache, nausea, and stomach pain.
Norovirus is a very hardy virus that can survive temperature extremes but it exhibits strong seasonality with over half of cases occurring in winter months. Consequently, norovirus is more rea
dily transmitted in colder temperatures and may be facilitated by increased rainfall.
Patients with norovirus can shed billions of microscopic infectious particles in the environment rapidly, making others sick with just a few norovirus particles. The CDC cautions that noroviruses can be transmitted by having direct contact with infected people, consuming contaminated food or water, or by touching contaminated surfaces and then putting your unwashed hands in your mouth. It is important to continue washing hands often during this time.
Controlling outbreaks of norovirus infection within institutions such as residential facilities, restaurants, hospitals, long-term care facilities, schools, and child care settings can be aided easily with these three products:
- +SaniWash® Antimicrobial Hand Soap
- +Safetec hand sanitizer
- +SaniZide Pro 1® Surface Disinfectant Spray or +SaniZide Pro 1® Disinfectant Wipes