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Neutralize Malicious Odors Naturally with NeutraSorb Air Purifying Bags

Stop Using Air Fresheners & Odor Eliminators That Mask The Problem. Breathe Easier and Sleep Deeper with These Industrial-Grade Air Purifying Odor Eliminator Bags

An odor is another word for a smell. When you notice an odor, it signals that you are exposed to something in the air that triggered your sense of smell. If you have an athlete at home who plays sports, particularly hockey, the stench of the equipment is NeutraSorbâ„¢ Activated Charcoal Air Purifying Bags, 1/2lbclearly identifiable and highly offensive.

Hockey players are typically on the ice several times a week for several months of the year and when they aren’t skating, the wet equipment is often removed from the gear bag to air dry. At our home, we run a fan to circulate the air and dry the equipment quicker. Unfortunately long term exposure has my home office den turned equipment room filled with a malicious odor that has penetrated the carpeting and paint.


We’ve tried to use  air fresheners, fabric fresheners, scented beads and sport odor eliminators.  I have also tried placing moisture absorbers inside the gear bag and while it helped wick moisture that leads to odor, it didn’t remove the existing odor. 

Scented products only mask or cover up other odors by adding more chemicals into the indoor air. They do not get to the source of the odor problem and could be irritating or cause allergic reactions for sensitive people. Ozone generators also are not a good choice to control indoor odors as they produce very high levels of indoor ozone which can be dangerous to breathe.


Then one day here at work, we came across these industrial-strength air purifier packs designed for commercial active packaging applications to protect brand quality throughout global supply chains. They’re used in industrial applications where the foulest of odors prevail and to reduce harmful chemicals including formaldehyde, chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, benzene and chloroform gases emitted from such items as paint, carpeting, air fresheners, chemical cleaners, rubber and plastic.

With nothing to lose and everything to gain I took one home and placed the 1/2lb pack inside the room and closed the door. I circled back a couple of days later filled with curiousosity.  I opened the door and walked in, took a deep breath and was floored. Much to my surprise, the odor had subsided considerably and in just a short period of time. Several days later I checked back in again and the stink was virtually gone.

I was so impressed by the performance that I went back into work and grabbed another air purifier bag and headed home. I placed the Tyvek® pouch inside a cloth hanging bag and hung it in our bedroom to see if I could reduce the coughing fits that wake me up several times a night. To my surprise I slept like a rock and didn’t wake up once!

Unfortunately, these commercial odor packs aren’t available to the public but after the success I experienced with these purifying bags I felt obligated to upload them to our website for others to try. If you suffer from allergies, smoke, pet dandruff or have issues with lingering foul odors, for a few bucks these sachets will provide you with fresh, breathable air in just a short time.


These powerful, long-lasting odor absorber and air purifier packs are filled with ½ pound of the world’s finest coconut shell activated carbon (also called activated charcoal, activated coal or active carbon) process that results in millions of micro-pores. This network of hungry micro-pores continually filters large volumes of air and attracts, then encapsulates pollutants, allergens, VOC’s and stubborn odors including musty and moisture related odor over long periods of time at any temperature permanently and naturally! Designed for commercial operations, they’re ideal for the home.

Features and Benefits:

  • Non-Toxic, Non-Leaching
  • Non-Corrosive
  • Fragrance-Free
  • Chemical-Free
  • Safe for All Surfaces
  • Long-Lasting (12+months)
  • Resistant to liquid water

Place these inside the bedroom, bathroom, pantry, or the “equipment room”. Perfect for automobiles, boats, RV’s, campers, garages, sheds, mini-storage, equipment bags, trash cans, lockers and more. Removes musty odors and other odors such as pet scents, pet urine/feces, gym clothes, hockey gear, onions, tobacco smoke, fish, skunk, vomit, VOC’s, mothballs and more permanently.

Surround yourself with a fresh, breathable environment and eliminate chemical-filled air fresheners and odor neutralizers that simply mask odors not eliminate them. NeutraSorb™ is a cost-effective, convenient, fragrance-free and safe filtration technology for managing indoor air quality naturally! But don’t take our word for it. Just tap the link and ….

+shop for Air Purifier & Odor Eliminator Bags here

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