What’s Lurking on Your Phone?
Fend Away Germs & Bacteria with Cell Phone Infection Control Covers
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Simply put, cell phones are a breeding ground for germs to thrive. Given our heavy reliance on these devices and the fact many of us never venture out in the public without our phones, it isn’t surprising to know that they’re among the dirtiest things in the world.
Statistics show that Americans, on average, touch their cellphone 2,617 times daily and spend 5.4 hours on their phones with 75% carrying their phones into the bathroom. In fact, the average touch phone has 25,000 germs per square inch making it one of the most germ-infested items you touch every day.
Scientists at the University of Arizona found that our mobile phones are ten times filthier than most toilet seats, door knobs, or the soles of our shoes! What’s even worse is individuals put their phone to their mouths and face regularly. Eew!
The reason your cell phone holds so many germs is because
1. it goes with you everywhere
2. it’s easy for your phone to collect germs from your hands
3. it stays warm throughout the day
The warm environment allows viruses and bacteria to thrive and grow, putting you at a greater risk to infection. Dirty phones can not only transmit diseases to you but can easily cross-contaminate germs to other people.
All of the bacteria picked up during day-to-day activities can easily transfer to touchscreens, phone cases, ear buds and phone chargers. Odds are you don't clean them very often or well enough. Even if you wash your hands thoroughly each time you used your phone, viruses and bacteria can still find their way to your device.
Be honest, how often do you sanitize your phone and case? Cell Phone Covers are a smart, easy and safe way to keep clean electronic devices sanitary for pennies!
The spread of germs is an ever growing concern in the workplace and proper Infection Control includes minimizing cross-contamination or preventing the spread of infection. Rid dangerous and caustic cleaners that can damage delicate electronic surfaces overtime. For pennies, you can now cover and protect your valuable mobile device with our convenient, easy-to-use disposable, touch sensitive transparent tablet and cell phone covers.
These specially constructed high clarity sleeve covers do not impede typing or swipe functions and can be used with a stylus and lastly, do not distort view. Affordable, easy and quick to use, disposable protectors simply slide over the portable smart device to create a hygienic barrier. They are available in the following sizes:
- 3-in x 5-in
- 4-in x 6-in
- 4¾-in x 6¾-in
- 4-in x 7-in
Remember, 80% of common infections are spread by hands and germs are everywhere – at home, in school, in the office, at restaurants, and everywhere you travel. Even medical facilities are not immune to these disgusting, illness-causing microorganisms.
Germs thrive on our cellphones and laptops, doorknobs, keyboards, countertops, stair rails, elevator buttons, remote control devices, ATMs—and surprisingly—gas pump handles –items commonly contacted almost on a daily basis. Minimize the spread of infections that can disrupt business and homes. . Our vast and growing line of disposable surface barriers includes infection control sleeves designed to keep environements germ free. The next time you grab that N95 mask or loop face mask, be sure to cover that phone too! Now all you need to do now is hit the link and ...
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