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Hi-Viz Work Safety Gloves 

The goal of industrial workplace safety and health is to prevent or eliminate possible workplace injuries and visibility is an important factor in accident prevention. Being able to see clearly where the hands are in a low light condition can be the difference between being safe and returning home  or going to the hospital to treat an injury. High visibility work gloves and retro- reflective gloves are also important around driven machinery as it can easily alert drivers to people working around them. 

While visibility is sometimes overlooked during P.P.E. selection, in reality, this is a very important safety factor to consider. This shouldn't come as a huge surprise, but the main advantage to wearing high-visibility work gloves is they improve worker visibility on the job or when directing or signaling vehicles or co-workers in the field.  This is beneficial for a few major reasons:

    1. Hi-viz PPE makes it easier for workers to see their own hands as well as the hands of their coworkers and this helps limit the number of accidents and near misses in the workplace.

    2. Safety Managers typically would be in charge of implementing high-viz work gloves and sleeves in the workplace.   It makes compliance checks easier to see if workers are actually wearing their assigned gloves and sleeves while on the job.

   3. Wearing hi-viz PPE in low light or dark conditions is just plain logical.  More high-vis PPE means a more visible worker and it correlates with the number of accidents that will occur while on the job.

4. Wearing hi-viz gloves when hand signaling is part of the job such as a highway construction worker, police officer, demolition operator, EMS or event parking. Bright hands communicate to vehicles more effectively.

What are High Visibility Gloves?

High visibility gloves are made using fluorescent materials or reflective materials and draw light in different ways to make them more visible from a distance. They are typically available in fluorescent yellow, green and orange colors. 

Reflective Materials

Like markers on the side of the road , this material is created and designed to reflect light that is shone on it from a light source. Crafted with a high visibility element such as 3M Scotchlite™ retro-reflective stripes or neon colored TPR knuckle protectors, reflective gloves and garments are most effective in low light conditions, or, are less effective in daylight.

Fluorescent Material

Fluorescent material is constructed of special pigments that are able to reflect the ultra-violet parts of natural light to make neon colors jump out more at viewers, making them more vibrant than background or similar colors. Fluorescent material is most effective in low or full on natural lighting conditions.

When Should Hi-Viz Gloves Be Worn?

A hazard analysis generally determines the type of personal protective equipment (P.P.E.) that should be used on a job site. If the list of potential hazards turns up any of the following things, then you should consider using Hi-Viz gloves.

  • An environment where there might be traffic involved.  This could be on roadways or parking events where traffic is traveling at moderate speed.
  • Under low light or night time working conditions.
  • Where workers must stand out from the background in which they are working.  This includes worksites with a lot of equipment, rural highways or on farms.
  • Weather conditions with limited vision; rain, snow, fog or even bright sunlight can reduce visibility.
  • Worksites where workers can easily be distracted from the work at hand, such as a factory or industrial environment.
  • Conditions that could affect a worker's perceptions of distance or time to react to a hazard. Long and straight distances, vehicles moving at high speeds or working surfaces that are slippery are a few examples.
  • Jobs or job areas where vehicles are operated with partially or totally obscured sight lines such as equipment regularly operated in reverse, or where equipment is lifting out of the line of site of the operators.
  • Conditions where it is necessary to identify workers from each other

Advancements in Glove Safety Technology

Technological advancements in the glove industry allow glove manufacturers today to make gloves that will not only improve visibility, but also provide one or more other safety advantages as well. Nowadays, there are a variety of hi-viz work gloves on the market that not only feature neon colors, but that also provide impressive cut, vibration, impact and  puncture protection.


If you haven't already, introduce hi-viz P.P.E. styles into your workplace today!

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