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(Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM EST)



We're Here if You Have a Question 800-274-4637

(Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM EST)



Control Spills With Spill Control Kits

"We need a clean-up outside Mrs. Johnson's room"

Fuel spills, chemical spills, pools of blood, urine or vomit are messy and unfortunately can happen anywhere, anytime. If they aren’t properly managed, further problems can result and containing and decontaminating biological hazards, toxic chemicals and chemotherapy agents become very important for personal safety and compliance.

The days of grabbing a few paper towels or a mop are gone forever. Today, businesses and institutions implement spill kits. Packaged with all the items needed to contain and clean messes, they are a safer alternative to sponges and paper towels. And in case you didn't realize, OSHA* requires that spill kits be located and readily available near every first aid station or cabinet.

Prevent Cross-Contamination & Reduce the Risks of Improper Clean Up

Powerful, portable, universal Spill Kits are a fast response action for convenient and speedy containment of infectious fluids and other hazardous chemicals. Featuring super absorbent polymer ('SAP') solidifiers such as Red Z® with chlorine and Green Z®, they are packaged with all the components necessary to protect the personal safety of spill response personnel, with items designed to sanitize the environment and be safely transported, then disposed.

Absorbent spill kits are ideal to have around as there’s always a possibility that a spill may take place at any given moment. Perfect for the work place, schools, medical facilities, nursing homes, hospitals, laboratories, vet offices, compounding areas, ambulance, gyms, immediate care, school buses, airlines, police departments, hotels, amusement parks and more, spill kits allow you to have a variety of items readily available to contain and clean discharges large to small while insuring the personal safety of individuals with the proper protective gear. They also take the guesswork out so workers can return back to the job quickly and safely.

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Spill Contol Compliance Products

Reduce the risks from improper spill cleanup. MDS has spill kits available with different solidifiers, configurations, sizes, capacities, personal protective gear and packaging options that include easy to read instructions and componets for clean-up.  Made in the USA, they prevent exposure and help stay within OSHA guidelines. Below are a few popular styles we offer:

  • +Universal Precaution Kits : (Bloodborne/Body Fluid Spill Kit) meets the OSHA Compliance 1910.1030 Bloodborne Pathogens Standard** and combines personal protection and clean-up items mandated by OSHA, CDC, and State Health Departments
  • +Chemotherapy Spill Kits : designed for the cleanup of spills involving cytotoxic drugs
  • +Formaldehyde Spill Kits : (Chemical & Liquid Metal Spill Kits) features FSC-1 to aid in reducing exposure to formaldehyde gas in the event of a spill
  • +Multi-Purpose Spill Kits : packed in a hard case, solidifies gallons of various spills. Meets requirements for compliance with the D.O.T. 1713 hazardous discharge; EPA 623.30 immediate action and 263.31 discharge cleanup

Put away the mop, the bucket and shavings! Minimize exposure, safeguard personnel and stay OSHA compliant with Safetec® fast response spill containment  kits.

+shop for Universal Spill Kits here

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Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm EST

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'We Want You to Return Home Safely Every Day'

** 29 CFR 1910.1030 – Bloodborne Pathogens+  Universal Precautions is an approach to infection control. According to the concept of Universal Precautions, all human blood and certain human body fluids are treated as if known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne pathogens. (The purpose of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, is to limit occupational exposure to blood, bodily fluids, and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) because any exposure could result in bloodborne pathogen transmission.)

+Note: The complete Bloodborne Pathogens Standards can be obtained at http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/bloodbornepathogens/standards.html or by contacting OSHA at (800) 321-OSHA

Please contact MDS for samples, volume discounts or to place an order

Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 E.S.T.

+800.274.4637    |   +716.668.4001    |   [email protected]     |   MDSassociates.com

We want you to go home safely...everyday™