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Electrical Safety Insulating Glove Kits

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Electrical Safety Insulating Glove Kits
When working with electricity, there are occupational hazards of electrical shock and arc flash. One of the most important components of P.P.E. for electrical and industrial operators are rubber insulating glovesInsulator gloves are used exclusively for electrical purposes, such as power generation, electrical contractors, hybrid automotive repair/service, hybrid automobile manufacturing, industrial plant maintenance and utilities.
The users in commercial and construction settings include:
  • Utility linemen
  • Telecommunications technicians
  • Maintenance Technicians working in Amusement Parks, Hospitals, Water Plants, Mfg. Plants, Office Buildings and Schools
  • Electricians
  • Maintenance & Electrical Supervisors
  • Machine Operators, Maintenance Millwrights & Mechanics
  • HVAC Technicians
  • Transportation - primarily rail
  • Elevator installers and repairers
  • Field Service Technicians
  • Automotive Technicians
While many may see these as just another work glove, this type of hand protection shouldn't be thrown in the toolbox or truck when they are removed. Crucial to personal safety, rubber insulating gloves need to handled and stored with the utmost care. Keep your PPE electrical safety equipment accessible and safe to and from the job! Protective Industrial Products (PIP®) has a convenient and effective solution to storing, toting and protecting electrical safety gloves in the form of portable glove kits.  These Novax® electrical safety kits include:
  •     1 pair of rubber insulating gloves
  •     1 pair of leather protector glove covers
  •     1 each 11-inch storage bags for electrical gloves
Just select the class that your application requires (class 0, class 00, class 1, class 2), the color and size rubber gloves that you need. To help you in your glove selections, below are charts to assist you:
Selecting Rubber Insulating Gloves
Class 00   Test AC Volts - 2,500             Use AC Volts - 500                 Use DC Volts - 750                Label Color: Beige
Class 0     Test AC Volts - 5,000             Use AC Volts - 1,000              Use DC Volts - 1,500              Label Color: Red
Class 1     Test AC Volts - 10,000           Use AC Volts - 7,500              Use DC Volts - 11,250             Label Color: White
Class 2     Test AC Volts - 20,000           Use AC Volts - 17,000            Use DC Volts - 25,500           Label Color: Yellow
Class 3     Test AC Volts - 30,000           Use AC Volts - 26,500            Use DC Volts - 39,750           Label Color: Green
Class 4     Test AC Volts - 40,000           Use AC Volts - 36,000            Use DC Volts - 54,000          Label Color: Orange
Selecting Leather Protector Length
Class 00 & 0 should have no less than a 1/2" gap between the top of the glove to the top of the leather protector
Class 1 should have no less than a 1" gap between the top of the glove to the to of the leather protector
Class 2 should have no less than a 2" gap between the top of the glove to the top of the leather protector
Class 3 should have no less than a 3" gap between the top of the glove to the top of the leather protector
Class 4 should have no less than a 4" gap between the top of the glove to the top of the leather protector

Product InformationElectrical Safety Glove Kits with Rubber Insulating Gloves

Novax® Rubber Insulating Gloves

Silicone-free Insulator Gloves exceed all requirements of ANSI/ASTM D120, insuring compliance with OSHA CFR 1910.137 with regards to their use in-service care and satisfy NFPA 70E requirements for arch flash protection  with some styles meeting NFPA 2112  for flash fire protection.
These specialized gloves feature an ergonomic hand design for comfort and improved dexterity and an angled cuff flare improves air flow. Individually numbered for traceability and stamped with factory manufacturing date.
It is critical to air-expand (no more than twice their normal size) and visually inspect rubber insulating gloves BEFORE each day's use and AFTER any action that could be expected to cause damage to the glove. If the gloves show any evidence of even minor damage (punctures, cuts, nicks, cracks, scratches and abrasions) or chemical deterioration (swelling, softness, hardening stickiness) they should not be used. 

Leather Protectors

Leather Protectors must be worn over the rubber insulating gloves when working with them as these help provide cut, puncture and abrasion protection for the insulator gloves.  Also, the class of the leather protectors needs to match the class of the electrical gloves. Alone these do NOT provide electrical protection. It is also strongly recommended that when one style glove need replacement, that you replace both the protector and the insulator together at the same time.
Novax® Rubber Insulating Sleeves

Electrical rated rubber insulating sleeves that compliment rubber insulating gloves and leather glove protectors. They provide continual barrier protection up to the shoulder and provide dielectric properties combined with flexibility, strength and durability. Used exclusively for electrical purposes, such as power generation, electrical contractors, hybrid automotive repair/service, hybrid automobile manufacturing, industrial plant maintenance, utilities, these sleeves Electrical Rated Sleeves Meet ASTM 496 and 1051 Standards and are available in sizes small - extra large.

Glove Storage Bags

Glove Storage Bags or gear bags are used to protect electrical safety gloves. When they are not in use, rubber insulating gloves should be stored finger tips up inside the bag and hung - NOT LAID - flat. Leather protectors should be removed prior to storage and the rubber insulating gloves should never be folded. The bag should be stored in a dry and cool a place as possible (95°F maximum) away from sources of ozone and direct sunlight as these can contribute to degradation. Never place on the dashboard!

Arc flashes are a very dangerous occurrence and it is important to take the proper precautions and make sure you have the proper hand P.P.E.

+Shop here for PIP® Electrical Safety Glove Kits today!

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