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Stop Fearing Venomous Snakes with SnakeArmor® Certified Snake Bite Proof Leg Armor

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Pexels pictureof a RattlerSpring will be here soon marking another season of blooming flowers, insects and foilage that will densen the woods, but for outdoor enthusiasts and workers who live in warm climates, springs means an increase in activity among the deeply feared serpent known as the rattlesnake, and an elevated chance of a deadly venomous snakebite.


The greatest period of snake activity is in spring when water moccasin/cottonmouths, copperheads and the feared rattlesnake come out of winter hibernation seeking prey to eat and to breed. The rattler breeding season lasts about 2 months but it just happens to occur when humans are very active outdoors increasing the odds of an encounter.  It's important that border patrol, archers, landscapers, oilfield workers, line clearing personnel, ranchers, fishermen, greenkeepers, campers, linesmen, hikers, hunters, surveyors, real estate, guides, farmers, zoologists, and more take precautions when venturing outside. 

Rattlesnakes usually see humans before we see them and they can detect us by soil vibrations made by our foot steps.  Rattlers also have a good sense of smell and vision and when we approach their area, they instantly become defensive. For those humans bitten each year, many never saw the snake until it was too late but all will agree that it's an unpleasant experience that causes massive tissue damage.

TurtleSkin® Snake Bite Proof Apparel is Made in USA

Are you protected against venomous snakebites, throns, briars, catus, nails, staples?

Wearing items such as Turtleskin® +SnakeArmor® chaps, pants and gaiters along  with a pair of heavy duty boots will help prevent snake bites and costly trips to the hospital emergency room.  If you are venturing outdoors to work or play in rattlesnake, catcus, thorn or briar country or exposed to sharp industrial debris, you should consider wearing puncture-resistant apparel for the legs. SnakeArmor brand of snakebite resistant leg armor is laboratory certified to withstand rattlesnake bites and made in America!

Warwick Mills Turtleskin® waterproof and windproof hunting clothing has been tested with live diamondback rattlesnakes and successfully repelled strikes and venom. In addition, the fabric also stopped a simulated snake bite of paired 0.05-inch diameter needles at 2.63 joules, and a 0.042-inch diameter needle at 2.37 pounds with a penetration limit of 0.03 inches!

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Protects the Region Areas Prone to Snake Strikes. The Cost of the Product Covers Itself with Just One Bite Prevention!


The +SnakeArmor® total protection snake chaps are meant to go over clothing to provide additional protection.  They cover the entire leg but not the waist, groin or buttocks.  They are lightweight, soft, breathable and water resistant.  Made from high strength fibers that are weaved tightly, they protect you from a snake's fangs piercing through. 

Turtleskin® +SnakeArmor® below the knee chaps protect from the knee down.  They are meant to wear over clothing to provide an extra layer.  +SnakeArmor® snake gaiters are great for wearing over boots to cover the foot and ankle and prevent lower bites from occurring. They also prevent injury from brush, pricker bushes or thorns. You can reverse them from khaki to camo depending on your surroundings.  Just put them on, zip them up, cinch the top and go.  They are made from the same fiber as the chaps and will keep snakes at bay. 

Proudly made in the USA by Turtleskin®, +SnakeArmor® hunting pants cover the entire waist to ankle area and are the most efficient way to protect yourself or your loved ones.  These pants are tested to withstand large rattlesnakes which are venomous.  Tough ballistic fibers keep the fangs from penetrating the pant layers. 

+shop for TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® here

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