Buffalolian Approved Lake Effect Snow Gloves!
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There are three words that push Buffalolians into an instant frenzy... Lake Effect Snow, or L.E.S. Lake-effect snow is produced during cooler atmospheric conditions when a dry cold air mass moves across long expanses of warmer lake water, warming the lower layer of air which sucks up water vapor from the lake, rises up through the colder air above, freezes and is then deposited.
Buffalo New York is located between two enormous Great Lakes and when these Canadian cold fronts drift over these warm bodies of water it can result in a snow making machine!
Lake-effect snow typically creates blizzard like conditions that could drop a significant amount of snow in a relatively short period of time.
In November 2014, Buffalo and surrounding areas received a full season's worth of snow in just days! Referred to as SNOvember, a once in 100 year storm, we received a total 7 feet of lake effect snow and it claimed 13 lives, shut down schools, businesses and our airport for almost a week! This cold arctic system wicked so much moisture from the surface of Lake Erie that it actually lowered the water level by 1.1 inches! Just a few years later, another storm crossed the WNY area during the 2023 Christmas Holiday dropping 77 inches of snow and claiming 31 lives.
When those three words are mentioned during our weather forecasts, folks instantly run out to the gas stations and to the local supermarkets where long lines form and shortages on staple items such as milk an bread occur. It officially kick starts our winter and creates a demand for snow removal equipment, snowmobiles, generators and warm winter apparel.
If you have spent time in cold conditions, you know your fingers are usually the first thing to get cold. First the tingling starts, followed with throbbing - signs that your winter glove is not well suited for the frigid temperatures you are working in, and should be replaced immediately. If there is one winter item that I will not do without it is my collection of extreme cold winter snow gloves designed by Superior Glove®.
Superior Glove® is Also Based In a Northern Cold Climate and Their Glove Engineers Have Created a Line of Industrial-Grade Winter Gloves Designed For the Artic Cold!
Many people believe that layers are the correct protection in the cold but it requires extra time, energy and creates bulk which can make tasks difficult to do. The truth is, having the correct insulating properties and outer materials combined properly will actually keep your hands warmer and dryer longer. Material such as 3M Thinsulate™ is something to look for when choosing an winter work glove.
Cold-Rated Hand Protection
Superior Glove® winter work gloves are put through rigorous tests by an internal quality control department where gloves are put on metal hand forms which have internally heated sensors and pores that simulate sweat.
Thermal imaging reads these variables and when this test is complete, the glove then goes into a temperature chamber where it is tested for winter conditions such as wind chill, extreme temperatures down to -40 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity. Thermal imaging reads these variables and detects any weak spots in the glove's construction.
QUICK PICK: Extreme Cold Gloves
Perfect for frigid outdoor recreational activites and from the Snowforce™ Extreme Cold Winter Gloves series, style #SNOW388V (pictured right) is breathable, windproof, waterproof and dexterous. Featuring a Velcro® gauntlet cuff, they are napped poly jersey AND G200 Thinsulate™ lined to protect up to -49 degrees Fahrenheit!
If you work outdoors and prefer a leather driver glove with great insulating properties, try the #378GOBDTK Endura® Deluxe Thinsulate® Driver Gloves (pictured right) These feature a double layer of Thinsulate® and sock lined fingers for warmth down to -22 degrees Fahrenheit.
For those concerned about occupational hand injuries, check out the #378KGTVB Endura® Anti-Impact Thinsulate® Driver Gloves. They feature Thermal Plastic Rubber knuckle protectors and are ANSI safety rated to resist cuts and puncture hazards plus they provide warmth down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit. The outer leather layer on this style Endura® driver gloves are treated with Oilbloc™ to repel oil and water which keeps them dryer longer and prevent stains.
We offer the highest quality, most effective winter gloves designed for cold weather work conditions, but don't take our word for, just click the button below and start shopping today...
+shop our Full Line of Winter Work Gloves now
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