One of the many safety-related impacts of the global health event was the growing need for touchscreen-friendly hand protection in the workplace – especially for workers who regularly need to use or share equipment screens, tablets, computer screens or mobile phones to complete their job.
To address this need and help reduce any injuries that result from workers removing their gloves to use touchscreen devices, several of PIP’s bestselling ATG® palm coated seamless knit industrial work gloves from the MaxiFlex® Ultimate™, MaxiFlex® Endurance™ and MaxiFlex® Cut™ lines have been upgraded to now offer touchscreen compatibility.
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34-844 MaxiFlex® Endurance™ MicroFoam Micro Dot Gloves
34-8443 MaxiFlex® Cut™ Premium MicroFoam Micro Dot Gloves
34-845 MaxiFlex® Endurance™ 3/4 MicroFoam Micro Dot Gloves
34-846 MaxiFlex® Endurance™ Full MicroFoam Micro Dot Gloves.
34-874 MaxiFlex® Ultimate™ MicroFoam Gloves
34-8743 MaxiFlex® Cut™ MicroFoam Gloves
34-8745 MaxiFlex® Endurance™ MicroFoam Micro Dot Gloves
34-875 Maxiflex® Ultimate™ 3/4 MicroFoam Gloves
34-876 Maxiflex® Ultimate™ Full MicroFoam Coated Gloves
42-874 Maxiflex® Ultimate™ AD-APT® MicroFoam Gloves
44-3745 MaxiCut® Ultra™ Premium MicroFoam Gloves
These gloves not only help reduce the number of injuries due to bare-handed exposure to occupational hazards, they also help decrease the chance of cross-contamination of germs and bacteria as workers can now keep their gloves on when coming into contact with commonly touched or shared surfaces.
At the core of ATG’s global operations is an appointed team dedicated to the safety of the people and the planet. Whether you’re looking to protect against mechanical cut hazards in industrial applications or for gloves made with 21 CFR 170-299 compliant materials for MRO operations in food plants, ATG® designs, develops and delivers world class leading work gloves that offer premium performance with high dexterity, breathability and comfort. These ATG® gloves are also certified by Oeko-Tex® to skin friendly and are guaranteed by ATG® to be 100% allergy tested, dermalogically accredited and therefore can be considered to be the skin friendliest gloves on the planet.
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